요약: Seeing through hardware counters: a journey to threefold performance increase원문을 읽고 간단히 요약한 글입니다.Nov 22, 202410Nov 22, 202410
Client-side partition assignment in KafkaWhile examining the Kafka client library code, I noticed the ConsumerPartitionAssignor interface and several implementations…Apr 14, 202412Apr 14, 202412
Published inBetter ProgrammingKotlin — Coroutine InternalsLet’s explore the internals of coroutines based on the Kotlin Proposals — Coroutines, which proposed the design of Kotlin CoroutinesJun 7, 2023194Jun 7, 2023194
[NestJS Deep Dive] 03. InstanceLoader and InjectorHello! In the previous post, we looked at how the metadata for modules and dependent objects is registered in NestJS. In this post, I’m…Nov 28, 2022151Nov 28, 2022151
[NestJS Deep Dive] 02. @Module and DynamicModuleHello. In previous posts, I covered how NestFactory creates NestApplication which is in charge of running our API server. In this post, I’d…Nov 18, 202213Nov 18, 202213
[NestJS Deep Dive] 01. NestFactoryThis series is about NestJS Deep Dive. Recently, I’ve been started using NestJS at work. In the process, the lack of knowledge of the…Nov 15, 20221722Nov 15, 20221722
[Rust] PhantomData<T>본 글은 Phantom<T>를 공부하며 작성한 글입니다. 오역 및 오류가 있을 수 있습니다. 이에 대해서는 댓글로 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다.Apr 12, 20211Apr 12, 20211
[Rust로 구현하는 자료구조 ] 01 - 연결 리스트(Linked List)개인적으로 Rust를 공부하면서 자료구조와 관련된 내용을 정리하여 올린 글입니다. 틀린 부분에 대해 코멘트 남겨주시면 정말 감사드리겠습니다.Apr 9, 20212Apr 9, 20212
Published inQraft TechnologiesFactor Factory Series 2: Anomaly ReportFactor Fatory SeriesSep 15, 202035Sep 15, 202035
Published inQraft Technologies팩터 팩토리 시리즈2 : Anomaly ReportFactor Fatory SeriesSep 15, 202059Sep 15, 202059
Published inQraft TechnologiesFactor Factory: A framework to find market anomalies and potential factorsWhat is Factor Investing?Sep 15, 20204Sep 15, 20204